15th of June
Happy Father Day :D
Happy Birthday ^^v may god bless ya ~ hope you happy always like that moment :P
love you alaaaaawaaaaays, xoxo

(very long time didnt saw her, miss die me, HAHA :3 have fun with her, talk many lapsap thingy :P )
and also vain much with soon yee :P
want see jiu go facebook..HAHA..
oh yeah, If you're Bruneian you should understand :D
; nada ku guna mun inda setia, nada ku guna mun cuma mahu gunakan aku..bah, apakan ?
last night de facebook status, i hope you guys understand what i mean, kkk ~
please dont says love if you dont mean it...
many guys that i know,always says 'ILOVEYOU'
yeah, it' just a word but you know, what if that girl really love you ? maybe she would doing something like believe it..so can dont just say-say ~ LOLed ><''
*sorry for the broken english and thanks for reading ;3 ♥♥