What word should i say at the beginning ? X)
well, today in the morning around 10am. me and my kor aka cousin going to kb town having our breakfast then around 11.30am my bii miscalled me and message as usual (: ♥♥
In the afternoon, we go to kkk restaurant eat again XD *teatime bah* my aunt don't like we drink cold drinks so i ask for Milo without ice & i ate matabak ><'' LOL. detail eh :P
back home & Facebook-ing. nahh, this's my life :x
my auntie go out for awhile and me and korr stayed at home be baby sitting, haha.
At night, my mum calling me on the phone, asking about him again, hais. really hard to understand why sometimes she seems like allow me together with him but sometimes she dont.
goshh, she's asking about the pictures thingy, nahh -.- actually wanna remove it just now but then i think over again, she saw it already so why should i remove ? just let it. BLABLABLA. the same problems flooding on my mind again, repeat & repeat :x
; jobless people doing jobless things, hahaha. domokun zai a.k.a my kor wrote it ♥♥

; see my mum so bad. she knew i love to eat sushi but then she uploaded the sushi picture and tag me then asked me do i wanna eat. LOL. kik dao :P ♥♥

; thought i get scold cause of this pic but still I LOVE IT. HAHAHAHA. ♥♥ :P
sohai go print out our pic just now, LOL. kns, at first said dont want show me mah -.- ♥♥ ;
i tihnk that all for today ehh ?
i just knew that all the day my mind was him -.-
celaka, die liaw this time. HAHA. LOL. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ !
guys, im so inlove with this man ^^
show up you guys some picture's :)