Guess what ? we love photograph ♥ 
SATURDAY NIGHT ! 10th of December in 2011,
this's me and my kor a.k.a cousin @wywy restuarant ^^

SATURDAY NIGHT ! 10th of December in 2011,
this's me and my kor a.k.a cousin @wywy restuarant ^^
going there limteh bwahhh, HEHE. still remember that night got two person come & ask us how to go to miri, so we call my kor mum & we bring them to go to the custom, but the custom is close & they said they wanna sleepover in the car .___. LOL. he wanna send his daughter to kuching, thought he don't even know how to go to kuching, dont even know how to go thru miri to kuching but he still tries to, only because his daughter need to go to kuching studies. ><''
After that night :) ♥ ♥
On 12th December 2011, Sunday, In the afternoon around 3pm (: met him at serasa beach, wee ~ ♥ ♥

I know i look weird but nah, just ignore it
continue BBQ at my house. we're so vain, taking picture all the time ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
my little cousin kinda friendly & listen to him lo :3 nah, not bad, no wonder la, he got little brother also, maybe that's the reason why ^^
then we talk talk talk, eat eat eat, date date date until 2am, right ? i don't really remember :$ i just only knew that i had altos of fun, laughing & happiness when i was with him ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
On 13th December 2011, Monday, In the morning, someone just done bathing & asking me to help him dry his hair and guess what ? taking picture again, haha :# why you so vain de oh ? ♥ i look so suck here == my eyes, nose mouth, hands, hair & LEG ! ==

actually we plan to eat breakfast but we're too late woke up & the super driver drove so FAST *oppsite*
before going to gadong, he going back home & put his things.
I saw his dad, friendly & funny XD humor kaliah ~ luckily not strict :O HEHE. His daddy love to speak in hokkien, i dont really understand sometime when he talk :P
before having our lunch we went to the mall and buy thing for KY, actually wanna but big bang album. but then don't have the one that ky wants ><'' so we when to guardian buy something for smelly armpit :P HAHAHA. i know we're kind, thats what KY need bah :P

After done lunch, we going to somewhere at gadong for taking family picture :P HA ! i cant share that photo cause my blog kisiao already, so yeah >< ♥ ♥ ♥

Couple shirt that we buy oin that day :P would be the first time .__. duhh, cute kan ? cute couple mah, i konw i know ^^ hahaha ♥ **saklieh
those ciggar looks cool & seems taste good ==
♥ ♥
i only love the cover, k ^^